Продукти за 60 a (1133)

Scala a ponte Drako mobile 60 - Scale a ponte

Scala a ponte Drako mobile 60 - Scale a ponte

Scala a ponte in alluminio con inclinazione 60 gradi conforme a D.lgs 81/2008 e ISO 14122. Le nostre scale a ponte mobile sono realizzate con materiali certificati e di alta qualità. Curate nei dettagli, offrono una sicurezza di salita maggiore rispetto alla concorrenza perchè il gradino è realizzato con uno scatolato estruso di alluminio 200x30mm con una superficie antiscivolo che garantisce un'ottima presa e appoggio del piede anche in caso di maltempo Gradini antiscivolo in alluminio estruso 200×30 mm con zigrinatura UltraGrip Corrimano da Ø 40 mm per una presa sicura ed ergonomica Passerella in alluminio con zigrinatura antiscivolo Lunghezza passerella a scelta da 400 a 3000 mm Fermapiede a norma di legge facile da installare Altezza parapetto personalizzabile Inclinazione 60° per ingombro ridotto Staffe di fissaggio in acciaio INOX Montante laterale in alluminio estruso 88×35 Tappi di chiusura in PA6 avvitati per evitare accumulo di polvere e tagli Altezza scala:300 a 4800 mm Inclinazione:60° Larghezza Gradino:600, 800, 1000 mm Lunghezza piattaforma:400 a 3000 mm


Ideale per ogni tipo di sugo di pomodoro grazie alla sua naturale dolcezza e alla ottima densità, La Passata di Pomodoro La Fiammante conserva il sapore autentico delle migliori materie prime italiane. La passata di pomodoro è realizzata solo pomodori freschi selezionati con competenza e responsabilità, conferiti in azienda in tempi brevissimi dalla loro raccolta meccanica e lavorati con procedimenti innovativi che garantiscono di preservarne l’alta qualità. Una passata indicata per tutte le ricette più semplici e le cotture medie o brevi, grazie all’inimitabile, cremosa concentrazione.Siamo a Buccino, ai confini del Parco nazionale del Cilento. Lo stabilimento, di 100mila mq, impiega 400 addetti. Il pomodoro è il core business. La filiera è 100% italiana, il patto con gli agricoltori prevede un giusto prezzo concordato, con la certificazione Social FootPrint. CONFEZIONE DA 12 1 PZ = EURO 0,60 1 PALLET 72 IMBALLI SCADENZA 01/03/26 MINIMO D 'ORDINE 30 PALLET


ART. 321 CERNIERE MEZZE QUADRE IN ACCIAIO ZINCATO – perno fisso Confezione:24 Dimensioni (mm):60 x 50 x 0,9
Капак за DURABIN® 60L правоъгълен, DURABLE - Правоъгълен капак за кошче за отпадъци DURABIN 60. С вдлъбнато дръжка за лесно сваляне.

Капак за DURABIN® 60L правоъгълен, DURABLE - Правоъгълен капак за кошче за отпадъци DURABIN 60. С вдлъбнато дръжка за лесно сваляне.

Rectangular lid for DURABIN 60 waste bin. With recessed grip for easy removal. • Lid for DURABIN 60 waste bin with recessed grip for easy removal • Coloured lids allow many possible combinations and facilitate sorting • Food-safe in all colours (according to EU Regulation no. 1935/2004/EC), except for the colour black Colour:white Material:plastics Reference:1800497010
PDC 60 м3/час Суха Бетонна Установка - Бетонни Установки

PDC 60 м3/час Суха Бетонна Установка - Бетонни Установки

A 60m3/hour Dry Type Concrete Batching refers to the process of making concrete using a dry mix methodology whereby the ingredients needed to produce concrete, such as cement, aggregates, and admixtures, are pre-blended without the prior addition of water. This plant is capable of producing from 60 cubic meters of concrete in an hour and is really appropriate for total concrete requirements of medium- and large-scale construction work, with a moderate concrete requirement. The plant operates through the accurate measuring of dry materials inside the batching system, which combines them to form a homogeneous mix. Water is added on the final mix to activate the cement, creating a workable concrete mix. The dry mix process, with 60m3/hour dry type batching plants, brings efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility into producing high-quality concrete mixes with tailor-made specifications to serve the unique needs of construction projects.
Danfoss DSH295-4 380-415/3/50 460/3/60 - 120H1370

Danfoss DSH295-4 380-415/3/50 460/3/60 - 120H1370

Danfoss DSH295-4 380-415/3/50 460/3/60 - 120H1370 Fabricant:Danfoss Référence:16.49.295
ПАНЕЛ F.60 X D.40 - Изложби

ПАНЕЛ F.60 X D.40 - Изложби

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:76/60X40
Хладилен обезвлажнител - DH 60

Хладилен обезвлажнител - DH 60

Industrial condenser dryer DH 60 Extremely effective and robust dehumidifier with powerful, air circulating, double-flow radial fan Protection against moisture at its best The DH 60 is perfectly fit for fully automatic, hygrostat-controlled continuous dry keeping applications, for its distinctive German industrial design immediately suggests that this is a professional industrial dehumidifier originally produced by Trotec, developed and manufactured according to the highest of quality standards in Germany. Upon delivery this industrial condenser dryer comes prepared for wall mounting, it automatically regulates the humidity to an ideal level at which corrosion, condensation and mould stand no chance and impresses with a high dehumidification performance even at low temperatures without exception. Technology:refrigerant Portability:stationary Product:air
Лук 40/60 - Малки Лук

Лук 40/60 - Малки Лук

FlevoTrade clasifica cebollas de diferentes tamaños. Los equipos de alta tecnología combinados con el trabajo artesanal garantizan que las cebollas se procesen en las condiciones adecuadas. ¿Busca un tamaño específico? Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para obtener más información.
Трансформатори за ниско напрежение To.60 - Трансформатори за ниско напрежение To.60

Трансформатори за ниско напрежение To.60 - Трансформатори за ниско напрежение To.60

Transformateurs de courant basse tension To.60 Transformateurs de courant basse tension To.60
BR-60 - Ръчна ултразвукова почистваща машина от 60 L

BR-60 - Ръчна ултразвукова почистваща машина от 60 L

Equipo manual de limpieza por ultrasonidos de 60 L de capacidad. Tecnología exclusiva BRIO tres veces más eficiente que los sistemas convencionales. Serie MANUAL Máquinas manuales de limpieza por ultrasonidos que optimizan tiempos y consumos. Compuestas por un panel de control sencillo y eficiente, con interruptor general, pulsador de seguridad, termostato digital con control de temperatura y pulsadores para la activación de la calefacción y ultrasonidos. Por otra parte también disponen de una cesta de trabajo manual compuesta por una bandeja INOX que protege el fondo de la cuba y en los que reposan los objetos a limpiar en el interior de la cuba principal. Construcción robusta con altos espesores y acero inoxidable AISI 304/316. Disponible de 60L a 7500L para cubrir todas las necesidades de cada sector. Medidas exteriores de la máquina:920x600x970 mm Medidas interiores de la máquina:550x400x400 mm Medidas útiles de la cesta de trabajo :500x350x230 mm Altura de la encimera:970 mm Capacidad de la cuba:88 L Potencia del generador de ultrasonidos:600 W Resistencia calorífica:2,4 kW Tensión de alimentación:230 - 400 V Tapa :Manual Válvula de vaciado:1 1/4"


• Cadre en barres-profilés aluminium rattachés par des connections « Tox » • Joint intumescent étanche gaz, fumée et flamme en cas d’incendie • Sécurité de retenue • Loqueteaux cachés • Plaques de plâtre GKF vissée • Pose rapide et facile Les trappes coupe-feu plafond 60 minutes sont conçues pour être installées dans des faux plafonds de protection contre le feu autonome, une des exigences étant « charge combustible uniquement du côté pièce » et la classe de résistance au feu étant EI 60. Elles offrent une protection efficace contre la progression du feu de la pièce dans la zone du faux-plafond. Le châssis intégré en aluminium est équipé d’un coupe-feu. Le couvercle de la trappe d’inspection est garni d’une plaque coupe-feu DF et protégé contre l’entrée de fumée par un joint périphérique polyvalent. Le couvercle est sécurisé de part et d’autre par des bras d’accrochage de sécurité automatiques.
60001 - 60/400

60001 - 60/400

60001 - 60/400 Code:60001 Diameter:67,5 mm Height:24 mm Neck:GCMI 60/400
P20 Типове 14,7 60 1 Версия за Гореща Вода - Преглед на Високонапорни Плунжерни Помпи Специфични за Приложението

P20 Типове 14,7 60 1 Версия за Гореща Вода - Преглед на Високонапорни Плунжерни Помпи Специфични за Приложението

Neben dem Standardprogramm an Hochdruck-Plungerpumpen bieten wir auch eine große Auswahl von Edelstahlpumpen in unterschiedlichen Werkstoffen an, ebenso wird dem Bedarf für besondere Anwendungen Rechnung getragen. Eine Ausstattung mit Sonderdichtungen wie z.B. Viton, Teflon und FFKM o.ä. ist auf Kundenwunsch in der Regel möglich.


60g – Shampooing solide MER présenté dans son tarlatane. shampooing solide mer à l’extrait d’algues , idéale pour les cheveux ternes . Reference:200.3.106
Капак за резервоар D.60 - Капачки / Запушалки

Капак за резервоар D.60 - Капачки / Запушалки

D.60 steel fuel tank cap for gasoline, diesel or biodiesel, internal bayonet coupling passage diameter 60 mm, with sealing gasket. It is available hermetic or ventilated and, at your request, we can supply it in different colors for various needs in the fields of use and it can be equipped with safety chains or cables. This product shall be sold with our niche series 70 for connection to flexible fuel hose passage Ø 70 mm or with bayonet filling systems passage 60 mm, which can be possibly provided with anti-syphon device or removable filters. Thanks to its feature and its ergonomic design, the D.60 cap with key is widely used on tanks of trucks, on building and agricultural machines, on earth moving machines, on generating sets tanks and so on. We aways guarantee quality and reliability of our product. We perform several strength and durability tests and tests for product quality control during the various processing phases. PASSAGE DIAMETER:60 mm Passage
Рибен Колаген Капсули 60 Капсули

Рибен Колаген Капсули 60 Капсули

Kolagen rybi w kapsułkach to produkt pozyskiwany ze skóry Tołpygi białej - ryby słodkowodnej, żywiącej się planktonem i drobnym pokarmem roślinnym. Ryba ta odławiana jest z kontrolowanych zbiorników wodnych pod kontrolą weterynaryjną. Na bieżąco dba się o ograniczenie do minimum zanieczyszczenia wód metalami ciężkimi.Kolagen jest długołańcuchowym aminokwasem i najobficiej występującym białkiem w organizmie człowieka. Stanowi dużą część skóry, włosów i paznokci. Jest stosowany w przypadku bólu stawów i chorób zwyrodnieniowych stawów, w dolegliwościach narządów ruchu takich jak ścięgna. Wpływa na regenerację chrząstek, gojenie się ran, wzmacnia skórę, włosy i paznokcie.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> Liofilizowany kolagen z ryb, żelatyna - kapsułka, barwnik - dwutlenek tytanu.&nbsp;<strong>Zawartość kolagenu w 2 kapsułkach - 340 mg</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>2-4 kapsułek dziennie (rano lub wieczorem) popijając dużą ilością wody.
Фармер Джак Рамков Лифт 60

Фармер Джак Рамков Лифт 60

Elevador de bastidor Farm Jack 60
Съединител за тръба към плоча RBK 60 S - Съединител за тръба към плоча RBK 60 S за орбитално заваряване - Orbitec

Съединител за тръба към плоча RBK 60 S - Съединител за тръба към плоча RBK 60 S за орбитално заваряване - Orbitec

The RBK 60 S is an extremely robust water-cooled weld head for a standard heat exchanger application up to an ID of 60 mm, modified to an ID of 99 mm or 120 mm. The head is pneumatically centred and is available with a rotating wire device and/ or arc voltage control (AVC) as an option. The head can also be used with a pneumatic positioner instead of a balancer. Versions: — RBK 60 S weld head with pneumatic centring, including hose package, 8m, water-cooled — RBK 60 S weld head with pneumatic centring and wire feeder incl. hose package, 8m, water-cooled — RBK 60 S weld head with pneumatic centring, wire feeder and AVC incl. hose package, 8m, water-cooled Package includes: — Weld head — Small torch incl. torch consumables and tungsten electrode Ø 2.4 mm — Water-cooled hose package, 8 m — Pull bar B — Transport case Optional: — Div. spring sleeves and pull bar sets for RBK 60 S — Torches, Balancer, Tube-to-tubesheet positioner... Field of application mm | inch:DI 9.5-60.5 mm | 0.374“-2.381“ Max. welding current:200A Wire motor:24V DC Rotation speed:Max. 5 U/Min Wire coil:1 kg, D100 Wire diameter:0.8 - 1.2mm Weight without wire feed:8 kg Weight with wire feed:10,5 kg Weight with wire feed/AVC:11 kg
Концентриран Крем с Невен и Ромашка Bio 60 мл. - Органична Ботаническа Лицева Козметика

Концентриран Крем с Невен и Ромашка Bio 60 мл. - Органична Ботаническа Лицева Козметика

Body treatment made with a selection of the best natural botanical ingredients, to create a concentrated Calendula cream with a pleasant aroma. Achieving high-end natural cosmetics, 100% active and organic. All the active ingredients your skin needs to improve its appearance naturally, delaying the signs of premature aging, lack of elasticity, spots, dryness, stretch marks and wrinkles. Its studied formula makes it a cream with moisturizing, antioxidant, and highly regenerative properties. Ingredientes (INCI): Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Cera Alba, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Glycine Soja Oil, Cymbopogon Citratus Leaf Oil, Helianthus Annus Seed Oil, Daucus Carota Sativa Root Extract, Daucus Carota Sativa Seed Oil, Beta–Carotene, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Tocopherol,Beta-Sitosterol-Squalene. Citral, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool, Citronellol, Eugenol.
60 литров ултразвуков почистващ кош - АКСЕСОАР

60 литров ултразвуков почистващ кош - АКСЕСОАР

Körbe aus Edelstahl sorgen dafür, dass schmutzige Produkte bestmöglich gereinigt werden, ohne die Maschine zu beschädigen. Dank der Griffe an den Seiten lässt sie sich leicht tragen und die Füße verhindern, dass die Produkte den Boden berühren. Dank ihres Designs können Ultraschallschwingungen schmutzige Oberflächen leicht erreichen. Lagercode:S.60UT ProD
Инструмент за клинчинг MZD 60/6 - Хидравличен инструмент за клинчинг MZD 60/6 за свързване на ламарина, ECKOLD®

Инструмент за клинчинг MZD 60/6 - Хидравличен инструмент за клинчинг MZD 60/6 за свързване на ламарина, ECKOLD®

The MZD 60/6, MZD 60/6 D, MZD 60/6 W and MZD 60/6 D-W portable clinching pliers are hand-guided machines. These ECKOLD pliers come with a large throat and a high press force, which makes them the ideal tool for all clinching options. They can be customised with exchangeable tool holders for a wide range of applications. The clinching pliers have been specially designed for mobile use and come with a single-acting hydraulic cylinder producing a press force of max. 60 kN or 80 kN. The pliers are connected to the hydraulic unit with a 6 m hydraulic hose and a hydraulic drive unit. The various pliers are customised for specific applications. Contact us for specialist advice about our tool options for your joining tasks. Clinching tools (punch and die) are not included in the scope of delivery. They must be chosen separately, based on the actual joining task. Contact us for a customised offer, tools included! Technology:Clinching Drive:Hydraulic Type:Portable Target sectors:HVAC, ducting, ventilation, steel metal working, storage Material:Aluminium, steel, stainless steel
BASIC 60 Система за Врати и Прозорци

BASIC 60 Система за Врати и Прозорци

BASIC 60 system, which has a frame depth of 60 mm, is an ideal high-performance alternative for doors and windows in projects with its 24 mm glass fiber reinforced polyamide barrier and 3-chamber structure. The system is suitable for all openings required for windows and doors, such as inward or outward opening, double opening, and transom window. The system, which can be used with all opening mechanisms with Eurogrove channels, can also be used with PVC-axis opening mechanisms. The system allows the use of glass up to 48 mm wide with profiles with wall thickness between 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm. In the system with a case depth of 60 mm, the wing depth is 69 mm. System Depth (Case):60 mm System Depth (Sash):69 mm Applicable Glass Thickness:4 mm – up to 48 mm Air Impermeability:A4 – 600 Pa / EN 12207 Water Tightness:E1200 – 1200 Pa / EN 12208 Wind Load Resistance:C5-B5 – 2000 Pa / EN 12210 Thermal Insulation:Uf= 1.9 – 2.1 W/m²K
Таблица с велкро - 80 x 60 см

Таблица с велкро - 80 x 60 см

Rzepowa tablica to innowacyjny produkt, który służy do przyczepiania, np.: sznurów w dowolnym miejscu na tablicy, co pozwala na stworzenie różnorodnych wzorów i kształtów. Tablica na rzep jest idealnym produktem dla osób kreatywnych, które chcą wyrazić swoją wyobraźnię i twórcze podejście do rzeczywistości. Produkt może być wykorzystany zarówno w domu, jak i w przestrzeniach publicznych, takich jak szkoły czy przedszkola. Rzepowa tablica zapewnia użytkownikom wiele godzin zabawy i twórczego eksperymentowania. Rama tablicy została wykonana z lakierowanej sklejki o szerokości 50 mm, co gwarantuje jej stabilność i trwałość.  Wymiary: 80 x 60 cm Sznureczki w oddzielnej sprzedaży - 19121287, 11531771
60 LT - 30 LT Пластмасов пръстен барел - Буре и Кегове

60 LT - 30 LT Пластмасов пръстен барел - Буре и Кегове

60 LT - 30 LT Plastic Ring BarrelHDPE body produced in one step with blow molding technology,HDPE cover & gasket produced in one step with injection technology,Galvanized ring. Product Code:TK-PV-60-30
Машина за огъване с мандрел - DB 60273 3A CNC - Хидравлична машина за огъване с мандрел с CNC управление за тръба Ø 60 - 273 мм

Машина за огъване с мандрел - DB 60273 3A CNC - Хидравлична машина за огъване с мандрел с CNC управление за тръба Ø 60 - 273 мм

T BEND SERVO-HYDRAULIC Stable, flexible and economical. Our DB 3A-CNC series will win you over with its special stability and performance. A real power pack of a machine For pipes with diameters from 1/4" to 12 3/4". Innovative Servo-Hydraulic System - Energy savings up to 70% by control of the hydraulic pump via a servo motor. On demand system only runs when hydraulic pressure is required; reducing the overall duty cycle and increasing lifecycle of all hydraulic components. The DB 3A-CNC mandrel bending machine performs tight radius bends with the highest quality. The machine meets all industry standards and exceeds customer expectations. The Software – Simple and intuitive manual input by machine operator with 3D graphical display. Import module allows easy import of step files from Tekla and other detailing systems. Tube diameter:60 - 273 mm Max. Wall thickness:16,0 mm (for tube-Ø 273 mm in S235) Usable length:6096 mm (Standard) Power bending axis:electro-hydraulic
SPARKAL EDM електроди - Над 60 различни версии на SPARKAL EDM електроди: www.plansee.com/shop

SPARKAL EDM електроди - Над 60 различни версии на SPARKAL EDM електроди: www.plansee.com/shop

EDM Electrodes made of the tungsten alloy SPARKAL are available as tubes, rods, square rods and plates in different dimensions in the Plansee Online Shop. Order fast and easily from the producer's online shop: www.plansee.com/shop.
Тегло EWK WS 30/60 kg

Тегло EWK WS 30/60 kg

Dynamiczne wagi kontrolne klasy Premium ze stali nierdzewnej oferują maksymalną wydajność. Są one stosowane szczególne w przemyśle spożywczym, farmaceutycznym i kosmetycznym. Dostępne są specjalne wersje i oprogramowanie. Mogą być opcjonalnie połączone z detektorem metalu. Systemy wagowe 30 kg i 60 kg Odchylenie standardowe od 0,01 g Maksymalna przepustowość 100 sztuk/min Z legalizacją 2 panele operacyjne: 10,4" TFT lub 15" TFT z ekranem dotykowym Dostępne wersje specjalne i oprogramowanie Opcja USB Print: pozwala na transfer danych poza siecią
Индустриален изпарителен охладител - 46,922 до 60,644 м3/ч

Индустриален изпарителен охладител - 46,922 до 60,644 м3/ч

AD BIGGER PREMIUM evaporative air conditioners for evaporative air conditioning in industrial, commercial, agricultural or livestock premises Evaporative coolers are a natural cooling system that uses water as a cooling element. Its basic operating principle is to suck in the outside air and pass it through some cooling panels moistened with water. Once the air passes through this panel, it cools and increases its humidity. Once this process has been carried out, the air is propelled inside the premises to be air-conditioned and, based on the appropriate renovations and extraction of air, a comfortable comfort temperature and adequate indoor air quality are achieved for people. The AD BIGGER PREMIUM evaporative air conditioners, develop an air flow from 46,922 m3/h to 60,644 m3/h with an available pressure at a maximum flow of 100 Pa, its cooling capacity is suitable for premises from 750m2 to 1,100m2. For larger surfaces more units can be installed.